- 論文の詳細を見る
M. W. Farr, the editor of Accounts and Surveys of the Wiltshire Lands of Adam de Stratton, says, ”the ministers' account rolls consist of two main series: the counter-rolls made by the auditors, and the preliminary drafts of the reeves themselves”, and articulates that the reeves' accounts are written as the drafts of the counter-rolls. Although it is sure that the reeves' accounts serve as the drafts of drawing up the counter-rolls, they seem to be also composed for other aims. (1) There are differences between the counter-rolls and the reeves' rolls in some respects. While the cash account of the counter-rolls is entered only in the charge section and the discharge section,that of the reeves' rolls is devided into a lot of headed paragraphs, which seems helpful for the lord of the manaor and the auditors to find the necessary information. (2) Furthermore, the order of many items is different between the reeves' accounts and the counter-rolls. (3) In ”Vendicio bladi” of the reeves' cash accounts, each sale of every grain is recorded, which enable us to calculate the sales price per unit of wheat, barley and so on. However, in the cash account of the counter-rolls, the only gross proceeds of each sold grain is enterd. The same sort of handling is discernible in the stock sales. (4) At the same time, on the one hand, the reeves' rolls don't include no incmoe-producing items on a specific fiscal year, but on the other hand, the counter-rolls enter such no income- producing items with the causes why they don't produce income. (5) Moreover, in the counter-rolls strict nomenclature is used in order to show tenants' legal status, but in the reeves' accounts the status of tenants is is not always described. (6) It follows from above mentioned differences that the reeves' accounts had been written simply as the preliminary darfts, there would have been no need to change the style and the order of items.
- 山形大学の論文
- 2008-02-15
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