- 論文の詳細を見る
In this paper I have analysed the revenues of Adam de Stratton. Although he was the lord of the manors of Stratton and Seven-hampton as well as of the hundred of Highworth, I have taken him up in terms of the lord of the hundred. I have once investigated some aspects of the hundred court and clarified that its main function, especially at the lawday courts, was keeping regional peace and order. The lord of the hundred, as an embodiment of this function, received three kinds of payment from the inhabitants. In the first place he obtained head money -the term after H.M. Cam -at the view of frankpledge. It was exacted just in compensation for the above mentioned function. Secondly "loveselver" was paid by the freemen of Haydon, Mordon and Widhill, and Ralph de gardino at the view. This payment might be considered what the freemen, who were not under the control of specific landlords, rendered to Adam who gave them political protection. Finally William de Lente and Walter Ancketil offered three sheep as "redditu ex consuetudine". The nature of this "redditus" was vague, but at least it is clear that they did not hold lands of him. Not only the foregoing exactions the sums of which were customarily fixed, the lord of the hundred had a tendency to extract peasants' surplus through the regulation of production designed for the market and that of trading. For example, he levied toll on brewers, and according to the hundred court rolls, indeed, even the list of brewers was made up by 1284. Moreover he also collected market toll at the fairs of Stratton, and the sum of toll was entered in the account rolls of Stratton Manor. However it does not mean that the lord of manor was in advantageous position to control transactions among local people, for various cases occurred at the fairs, e.g. disputes and violences concerning transactions, were handled in the hundred court. In fact, the document confirming that Isabel de Forz granted the manor of Stratton to Adam indicates that, compared with the lord of hundred, the manorial lord had difficulty in holding fairs. Lords of large estates such as the Abbot of Tavistock and the Bishop of Ely who were often the lords of hundreds as well seem to have been predominant among the holders of weekly markets and fairs.
- 財団法人史学会の論文
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