92(P-101) 軽水中でのアスパラギン結合型糖鎖水酸基プロトンのNMRによる解析(ポスター発表の部)
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Interaction between oligosaccharides and the receptor protein plays an important role in bio-recognition processes. It is easy to presume that the hydroxy groups of carbohydrates are most important functional group for the interaction. However, it is not easy to characterize the chemical properties of each hydroxy groups of oligosaccharides in aqueous solution. NMR is one of the most powerful tool to characterize molecules in solution. but observation of the hydroxy proton in aqueous solution by NMR is difficult because of rapid proton exchange. We observed hydroxy protons of the model oligosaccharides of N-glycan in aqueous solution by low temperature method, and each hydroxy protons were assigned by 1-1 COSY. Hydroxyl protons of the model oligosaccharides in aqueous solution were resonated at low magnetic field (5.5-6.8ppm) because of the effect of strong hydrogen bonding with water. In general the primary hydroxyl protons in aqueous solution were resonated at higher magnetic field than the secondary ones, and sterically hindered axial hydroxyl protons were observed at higher magnetic field than equatorial ones. Some of the hydroxy groups adjacent to glycosylated position were also resonated at higher field.
- 2000-10-01
- 92(P-101) 軽水中でのアスパラギン結合型糖鎖水酸基プロトンのNMRによる解析(ポスター発表の部)
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