16 シグナルペプチダーゼII阻害剤グロボマイシンの構造決定と不斉全合成(口頭発表の部)
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Globomycin (1) was isolated as a 19-menbered cyclic depsipeptide antibiotic which consists of glycine, L-allo-isoleucine, L-allo-threonine. L-serine, N-Me-leucine, and 3-hydroxy-2-methylnonanoic acid, in 1978. 1 has been proven to be a specific inhibitor of Signal peptidase II, which processes the acylated precursor form of lipoproteins into apolipoprotein and signal peptide in Esherichia coli. 1 was used routinely to demonstrate the acylation of the newly identified lipoprotein, and since then it has been widely used to control the maturation of the lipopeptides. Although 1 has been an invaluable tool in studies of lipoprotein biosynthesis to date, its structure remains obscure for almost two decades. An initial structure elucidation of 1 only determined the absolute stereochemistry of L-allo-Thr-L-Ser-L-allo-Ile moiety. Relative stereochemistry of 3-hydroxy-2-methylnonanoic acid and absolute stereochemistry of N-Me-leucine moieties still remained ambiguous. The structure of 1 which was unequivocally determined by X-ray crystallography, revealed that the absolute stereochemistry of ambiguous moieties are (2R, 3R)-3-hydroxy-2-methylnonanoic acid and N-Me-L-leucine. The crystal structure of 1 suggested the carbonyl oxygen of the L-allo-Ile forms an intramolecular hydrogen bond to the NH of glycine. We also achieved an asymmetric total synthesis of 1 by convergent coupling of three fragments followed by macrocyclization. The physical and spectroscopic data of synthetic 1 were identical to those of natural globomycin.
- 天然有機化合物討論会の論文
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- 16 シグナルペプチダーゼII阻害剤グロボマイシンの構造決定と不斉全合成(口頭発表の部)
- 新規抗菌剤開発を指向したグロボマイシン類の合成研究
- 新規抗菌剤グロボマイシンおよびその類縁体の合成研究
- Synthetic Study on Globomycins toward the Development of New Antibiotics