91(P04) 樹木精油成分の水和反応による殺蟻活性の向上(ポスター発表の部)
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Hinoki wood (Chamaecyparis obtusa) is one of the most durable Japanese woods against the biodegradation by termite. In the former reports, we elucidated that the anti-termite activity of hinoki depends significantly on the components of wood extracts, especially α-terpinyl acetate or α-terpineol contents are the most crucial factor for its termiticidal activity. On the other hand, α-terpinyl acetate and α-terpineol are generally synthesized by rather simple method from α-pinene or β-pinene which are major components of the essential oil from sugi (Cryptomeria japonica) or akamatsu (Pinus densiflora) woods. The latter woods have little or no termiticidal activity, but their low termiticidally active extracts are assumed to be convertible into higher active ones by the simple method. This report deals with the conversion of monoterpen hydrocarbons into terpineol and the evaluation of termiticidal activities of the products. 1) Firstly, the conversion of α-pinene into α-terpineol by hydrolysis with sulfuric acid was investigated. This method is known popularly, however, it was far from the efficient method because the conversion efficiency of this reaction was about 22 mole% based on the starting material at maximum. 2) The conversions with some sulfonic acids were also investigated. Among three sulfonic acids, p-phenol-sufonic acid was the most suitable catalyst for conversion of pinenes into terpineol. The conversion efficiencies were about 47mole% for α-pinene and 59mole% for β-pinene. β-pinene is found to be converted efficiently into α-terpineol whose content is about 83w/w% based on the product. 3) The conversions with solid acids were investigated in order to omit the complicated extraction procedure. Synthetic zeolite or cationic exchange resin were used as the solid acids. Although zeolite treatment was carried out under severe condition for long time, α-terpineol was formed slightly. On the contrary, the cationic exchange resin treatment can give a good α-terpineol yield, about 95w/w% based on the product, under mild condition for short time, 4) The hydrolysis products prepared above were subjected to the termite test. All the hydrolysis products had the termiticidal activity, and the higher content of α-terpineol the product has, it shows the stronger termiticidal activity. Since the simple hydrolyses cause the efficient conversion of pinenes into α-terpineol and increase the termiticidal activity, they will be applied to the essential oil from the woods of sugi, hinoki, and akamatsu.
- 天然有機化合物討論会の論文
- 1998-08-31
鮫島 一彦
大谷 慶人
鮫島 一彦
高知大学 農学部
桐島 充子
大谷 慶人
桐島 充子
鮫島 一彦
Ohtani Y
Kochi Univ. Kochi Jpn
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