W07I Smart Materials by Fiber Science and Textile Technology(International Workshop on "New Frontiers of Smart Materials and Structural Systems")
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- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2006-11-25
Watanabe Yoshimi
Omohi Coll. Graduate School Of Engineering Nagoya Inst. Of Technol.
Watanabe Y
Shinshu University Department Of Functional Machinery And Mechanics
Watanabe Yoshimi
Omohi College Graduate School Of Engineering Nagoya Institute Of Technology
Watanabe Yoshimi
Department Of Functional Machinery And Mechanics Shinshu University
Watanabe Yoshimi
Department Of Engineering Physics Electronics And Mechanics Graduate School Of Engineering Nagoya In
Watanabe Yoshimi
Dept. Of Functional Machinery & Mechanics Shinshu University
Watanabe Yoshimi
Center For Advanced Materials Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory And The Department Of Materials
- Wear Properties of Intermetallic Compound Reinforced Functionally Graded Materials Fabricated by Centrifugal Solid-particle and In-Situ Methods
- Density and Hardness Gradients of Functionally Graded Material Ring Fabricated from Al-3mass%Cu Alloy by a Centrifugal In-Situ Method
- Functionally Graded Material Fabricated by a Centrifugal Method from ZK60A Magnesium Alloy
- Biodegradability of Poly (L-lactic Acid) Functionally Graded Materials with Hardness Gradient
- Novel Recycling System of Aluminum and Iron Wastes-in-situ Al-Al_3Fe Functionally Graded Material Manufactured by a Centrifugal Method
- Cyclic Deformation and Development of Dislocation Structures in a Centrifugally Cast Al-Al_3Ti of Functionally Graded Material
- Effect of Precipitation of σ-Phase and N Addition on the Mechanical Properties in 25Cr-7Ni-4Mo-2W Super Duplex Stainless Steel
- Experimental Study on Magnetic Torque Measurement to Estimate Fiber Orientation in Fe-Fiber-Reinforced Composites
- TEM Observation of the Reduction of Wustite by Hydrogen Ion Implantation
- Finite Element Analysis of Severe Plastic Deformation of Difficult-to-Work Material by Equal-Channel Angular Pressing at Ambient Temperature
- Fabrication of Al/Al3Ti Functionally Graded Materials by Reaction Centrifugal Mixed-Powder Method
- Fabrication of Magnetically Graded Material by Rolling Deformation of Wedge-shaped 304 Stainless Steel
- Effect of Magnetic Field on Weld Zone by Spot-welding in Stainless Steel
- Martensitic Transformation of Antiferro-magnetic Fe Particles Embedded in a Cu Matrix in a Magnetic Field
- In-situ Observation of Butterfly-type Martensite in Fe-30mass%Ni Alloy during Tensile Test Using High-resolution EBSD
- Enhanced Mechanical Properties of Fe-Mn-Si-Cr Shape Memory Fiber/Plaster Smart Composite
- Use of Recycled Steel Machining Chips and Aluminum Can Shreds for Synthesizing Iron Aluminide Intermetallic Alloys
- Effects of Dispersoids on Wear Behavior of Cu-Based Nanocomposite Containing SiO Nanoparticles (Special Issue : Advanced Plasma Science and Its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials)
- W07I Smart Materials by Fiber Science and Textile Technology(International Workshop on "New Frontiers of Smart Materials and Structural Systems")
- Experimental Study on Severe Plastic Deformation of Ti by Novel Equal-Channel Angular Pressing
- Heterogeneous Nucleation of Pure Magnesium on Al3Ti, TiC, TiB2, and AlB2 Particles
- Experimental Study on Magnetic Torque Measurement to Estimate Fiber Orientation in Fe-Fiber-Reinforced Composites
- Magnetic Anisotropy Caused by the Formation of Stress-induced Martensite in Small Iron Particles in a Copper Matrix.