2220 ジュール加熱式ガラス溶融炉の数値解析 : 第二報 白金族粒子の沈降・堆積の数値解析(G05-3 解析モデルと解析手法,G05 流体工学)
- 論文の詳細を見る
We have developed a numerical simulation scheme which couples electric field, heat transfer, fluid dynamics and metal particles behavior in a joule-heated glass melter. The particles behavior is treated as the continuous transport of the particle concentration by the Eulerian method. It is able to evaluate the unsteady operational melter status and performance, which are strongly affected by the settling and deposition of the platinum group metals included in high level waste. Numerical simulation showed that high current density bypasses along the inclined bottom wall due to the increase of the electrical conductivity in the deposited layer of the metals. As for remaining mass of the metals in the melter, numerical results agreed reasonably well with the experimental data.
- 2006-09-15
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