8401 電子タグとホームコントローラ : 4+1住資源管理システム(OS8 持続可能な建築物の設計・生産)
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The very dynamic linkage between living process and its housing environment makes it hard to realize a highly secured, flexible and intelligent management method, which is so much desired. It is not perhaps even possible to its full realization, unless it succeeds to decouple the inherent coupling between living and housing. One possible solution to decouple them at least locally is to unify "parts and packets" via ubiquitous distribution of RFID over housing parts and environment in-situ, for the chip-implanted parts or environment behave as if they spontaneously send messages to their proper addresses to communicate at will, whenever their state are changed, and move around freely within the housing system as if each of them provides its local coordinate of reference that makes it possible to realize the 4+1 dynamic management system of housing assets.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2006-06-23
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