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In recent days, the young generation's leisure activity seems to consist mostly of resting or various pastimes designed to take their minds off of their troubles. Little thought is given to using this time for developing themselves.Living in the midst of Japan's graying population,young people look forward to around 80,000 hours of work and 27,000 hours of leisure time over the course of their lifetimes.These thousands ofhours are mainly spent listening to CDs,reading comics,playing video games at home,or going to Pachinko,or out to drink alcohol.From an outside perspective,their outside-the-home activities seem to serve merely as a superficial enjoyment with freinds in order to resolve complaints about school or work.It is possible that some of these individuals might even recognize that the puality of their leisure time is in fact poor.These various activities may even seem glamorous to some,bat they are all limited to a single pattern,lacking any true variety or individuality.It seems there is little opportunity to express and explore one's own character or be productive in the midst of these activities.Young people are wasting their time on fun.The final goal of leisure should be developing one's individual talent,enhancinghis or her character,or contributing positively to the community.To the end,society shares some of the responsibility in that the community has to prepare places and opportunities by which to do this.However,it is perhaps most important that the individual gain self-knowledge and self-awareness with regards to this personal development.Pastimes have lost something of their luster recently,and there is a need to find deeper meanings in the way free time is spent.To this end,we have completed a servey and comparative analysis of the leisure activities amongst Japanese and South Korean college students.
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