Poster presentation: An equivalent modeling for Ca[2+]-dependent insulin secretion in electrical coupling of the β-cells (MEとバイオサイバネティックス)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Pancreatic β-cells secrete insulin hormone which regulates the blood glucose levels. People with diabetes, the body is either unable to produce insulin, or unable to produce it in sufficient amounts. Glucose stimulates the pancreatic β-cell through type 2 glucose transporter (GLUT2) which mediates the entry of glucose into the β-cell. Intracellular glucose is modified ATP (adenosine triphosphate) which is stored as energy-rich molecules. When ATP in the β-cell is increasing, β-cell membrane depolarized by potassium ions go out of the cell. The membrane potential leads to influx of calcium ions into the β-cell. Increasing calcium ions in the β-cell promote insulin exocytosis. In this paper, we based on Chay-Keizer Model that is basic mathematical model for the pancreatic β-cell and then we will attempt to develop the model for insulin secretion dependent on the calcium dynamics.
- 社団法人電子情報通信学会の論文
- 2008-01-18
Jin Jung
Graduate School Of Information Production And Systems Waseda University
Nishimura Toshihiro
Graduate School Of Information Production And System Waseda University
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- Poster presentation: An equivalent modeling for Ca[2+]-dependent insulin secretion in electrical coupling of the β-cells (MEとバイオサイバネティックス)