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This paper describes outline of the urbanizing process of modern Fukuyama. Fukuyama was born as a castle town at the beginning of the Edo era, but went to ruin by the decline of samurai class from the Meiji Restoration. By the construction of a network of railroads and the invitation of the regiment, vitality of Fukuyama had been regained gradually. At the bombsite by the Second World War the city authorities had widened the streets using land readjustment, and intend to make up CBD in the old castle town. In the 1960s the large-scale steel plant was developed at the seaside area. For the workers the residential area had been developed at the hilltop adjoining the factory. Factories, residences, and stores had sprawled anarchically over the alluvial plain between the old castle town and the hilltop residential area. Because there was land readjustment area and was convenient for the inhabitants living on hilltop to use the cars. Now the sprawled area has become the most vital part of the city. And the old CBD has been afflicted by inner-city problems.
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