Formation of Public Spheres and Islamist Movements in Malay Muslim Society of Malaysia
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Muslim society originally had spheres for discussion based on Islamic logic, which are similar to a "public sphere." Such spheres were organized by ulama (Islamic clerics) and tariqa (Islamic order of mystics). Buildings established through waqf (religious endowment) including mosques and religious schools also provided such spheres for discussion. On the premise of the existence of plural public spheres rather than the single civil sphere advocated by Habermas, the contemporary Islamist movement could be considered as an attempt to recover the previously existing Islamic public spheres. Contemporary Malay Muslim society has discussion arenas formed by the Islamist movement, such as ceramah, usrah, khutbah, the Internet, cassette tapes, and VCD. These are similar to the counter publics discussed by Nancy Fraser. In Islamic counter publics, the discursive resources of statements accumulated through Islamic logic are widely distributed. This phenomenon is also found in the modernization and populariztion of the Islamist movement. In Malaysia, the "mainstream" public sphere under control of the government, and such alternative counter publics, are intertwined. They have common terms based on Islamic logic and are connected by several channels. Therefore, the mainstream public sphere cannot ignore how counter publics based on Islamic logic influence the setting of the national political agenda. The process of so-called "Islamization" in Malaysia could be regarded as the process of mutual interaction between the mainstream public sphere and alternative counter publics. Moreover, this process is also an attempt to gradually recover functions of an Islamic social mechanism and to realize Islamic social order, such as the role of ulama in Muslim society and their relationship with rulers.
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