歯科インプラント失敗のリスクファクターと治療成績向上のための対策 : インプラントを失敗させないために
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Dental implant failures are generally classified into early failure (failure to establish osseointegration, i.e., an interference with the healing process) and late failure (failure to maintain the established osseointegration, i.e., process involving a breakdown of osseointegration). These failures involve completely different phenomena. Although it is important to separately clarify the effects of clinical factors on early failure and late failure for improvement of implant treatment outcome, there are few studies on Japanese. Aim of this paper is to present our results of early failure and late failure, and to review the possible influencing factors of these failures, including age, gender, site, length and diameter of fixture, bone quality, smoking, healing period between fixture installation and abutment connection, the number of fixtures connected in a superstructure, and states of missing teeth and opposing dentition. Our early failure and late failure of Branemark implant with machined surface were 3.5% and 1.8%, respectively. Length and initial stability of fixture and bone quality are closely associated with early failure. Although initial stability of fixture did not affect late failure, length of fixture was deeply relevant to late failure. Overload would be also a major cause of late failure.
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