志賀直哉のまなざし : 母から妻へ、そして、自己から他者へ
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Shiga Naoya is known as an author of introspective, and biographical novels based on his own life. He observed his family, looked into himself and had little interest in the other things especially in his youth. The reason for his attitude was that the Shiga family was complicated. He was brought up almost by his grandmother. He lost his mother without gaining her affections when he was twelve years old. Then his father got married again to a beautiful woman who was just eleven years older than Naoya. So he essentially had three 'mothers'. In addition, he had been on bad terms with his father for many years. When Naoya got married in his thirties, he moved out and started his own autonomous family. He became the head of this new Shiga family and was free of his father and 'mothers'. Therefore he could afford to change his focus towards other themes of interest. During this time, he was in a serious railroad accident and was almost killed. While hovering between life and death, he meditated on the meaning of life and death from this experience. He accepted death as an inevitability which nobody could avoid.
- 宇都宮大学の論文
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- ハワイ俳句のためのノート
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- 『俳句』試訳 : アメリカ発俳句入門(1)
- 小池先生との三年間(贈ることば,小池清治教授退職記念号)
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- 『俳句』試訳 : アメリカ発俳句入門(2)
- アラスカの夏の俳句 (1)
- ハワイの冬の俳句
- 俳人としてのチェコ人大学生 : チェコ共和国パラツキー大学での俳句講義と句会
- 『俳句』試訳 : アメリカ発俳句入門(3) (浅野一郎教授退職記念号)
- アラスカの夏の俳句(2)
- ハワイの冬の俳句
- ハワイの冬の俳句