響き合う句画 : 子規と不折の《猫・海老・行水・重ね絵》
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Masaoka Shiki and his friends' posthumous works were exhibited at Shiki-an, Shiki's last house at Neghishi in Tokyo, in the autumn of 2006. These items were on exhibition for the first time. Shiki intended to describe the real view before him in his own way in 1892. After two years, he met Fusetsu, a western style painter. Fusetsu taught Shiki western art theory and contributed greatly to the formation of Shiki's 'shasei' theory. After which, Shiki tried to modernize Japanese literature, haiku, tanka and prose applying his original theory until he died in 1902. The works cover ten years of his great literal reform. This paper will focus on four pictures among them as follows, 1 <<Cat's silhouette>> Shiki's haiku and drawing Shiki drew the interior of his house. The scene is very quiet. He added the momentary movement of a small bird and winter flowers through his haiku. 2 <<Lobster>> Shiki and his friends' haiku and an anonymous drawing Before Shiki met Fusetsu, Shiki had composed haiku as a drawing. 3 <<My wife's bathing>> Fusetsu's drawing Shiki also composed a series of 'bathing' haiku. His haiku seems to be connected with Fusetsu's technique of collage. 4 <<Collage of eight scenes>> Shiki's haiku and Fusetsu's drawing Fusetsu liked some scenes in one piece. Shiki adopted Fusetsu's collage technique to his prose theory 'Jojibun'. Shiki acutely aware of the difference of the more effective elements in haiku and drawings. On the basis of this awareness, he advocated his 'shasei' theory. As mentioned above, Shiki made amazing success which is credited to Fusetsu. Their mutual interaction advanced to modernize Meiji Japan.
- 響き合う句画 : 子規と不折の《猫・海老・行水・重ね絵》
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