- 論文の詳細を見る
Studied the manifestation of the dissolving alkaline substances out-of wash-cement, using the method of applied chemical quantitative analysis. If we shall be able to restrain sufficiently, wash-cement exceed evidently organic solvent plastic paint in safety and cost. Searched for the gross alkaline substances contained 1.00g of cement and the variation of dissolution rate for difference of preservation hours, studied some methods of dissolving restraint of alkaline substances. Introduced an example of them-the method by artificial sea-water. The result is as follow ; 1. The gross alkaline substances contained cement convert gramm of Ca(OH)_2, so it is 44.7〜47.6 of cement. 2. Dissolution rate is 55.1〜72.0% of stiffened cement which was preserved for 24〜120 hours. 3. Dissolution restraint rate is 54.7%, as the stiffened cement preserved for 24 hours which was twice submarged in artificial sea-water compared with the stiffened cement in the same manner.
- 公益社団法人日本航海学会の論文
- 1973-12-30
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