- 論文の詳細を見る
In the present study, we tested three kinds of sleeping drugs, consisting mainly of triazolam, brotizolam, and flunitrazepam, to compare the drug efficacy of generic drugs with that of original drugs. After these drugs were administered orally to mice, drug efficacy was evaluated in terms of ambulation, onset time of sleep, and duration of sleep in the open field test. For all kinds of sleep-inducing drugs, the drug efficacy of most generic drugs is not necessarily equal to that of the original drug. The main reason for the difference appears to be due to differences in the rate of absorption of the main drug. Any other differences between an original drug and a generic drug are caused by drug additives, the crystal form of the main drug, the formulation, and so on. In this study, the formulation was not the reason for the differences because all of the drugs were pulverized in a mortar and had no special coating. The drug additives for all the drugs are listed and the drug efficacy compared. Unfortunately, the information was not sufficient to shed any light on the differences in drug efficacy. For effective drug therapy, more information on drug additives should be provided.
- 社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 2007-12-01
小澤 孝一郎
小澤 孝一郎
吉井 美智子
加藤 洋美
吉井 美智子
小澤 光一郎
吉井 美智子
小澤 光一郎
広島大学 大学院 医歯薬総合研究 病態薬物治療
小澤 光一郎
呉共済病院 薬剤科
小澤 光一郎
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