Predisposing Factors of Sleep-Disordered Breathing in Japanese Male Workers
- 論文の詳細を見る
The aim of this study was to elucidate the usable predisposing factors of sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) in the workplace. A total of 353 male workers who complained of SDB related symptoms such as witnessed snoring, recurrent awakening from sleep, urination during the night, morning headache, and excessive daytime sleepiness were included in the analysis. We examined hyoid-mental distance (HMD), modified Mallampati score (MMS), and the narrowness of the pharynx with tonsillar hypertrophy as the predisposing physical findings of SDB. We used the number of 3% or more oxygen desaturation events per hour (ODI3) as the indicator of SDB. The mean values (S.D.) of all subjects were 44.3 (8.9) yr (19-66 yr) of age, and 25.9 (3.8) Kg/m^2 body mass index (BMI). A significant difference in ODI3 was found between the HMD classes, and also between the subjects with and without tonsillar hypertrophy. Mean ODI3 adjusted for age, BMI, and alcohol consumption on the day of monitoring was high in the group of short HMD and the group of tonsillar hypertrophy (+). For MMS, though ODI3 did not appear to be significantly different, mean ODI3 was high in the MMS-IV. In conclusion, short HMD and tonsillar hypertrophy are the important findings predicting SDB identified by pulse oximetry. These findings would be beneficial in the workplace for selection of subjects who should be encouraged to undergo pulse oximetry for detection of SDB.
- 社団法人日本産業衛生学会の論文
Mizoue Tetsuya
Department Of Preventive Medicine Graduate School Of Medical Sciences Kyushu University
森本 泰夫
Department of Occupational Pneumology, Institute of Industrial Ecological Sciences
Morimoto Yasuo
Department Of Occupational Pneumology Institute Of Industrial Ecological Sciences University Of Occu
NIIJIMA Kuniyuki
Shizuoka Health Care Center, Central Japan Railway Company
Health Care Center, Central Japan Railway Company
ENTA Kazuhiko
Shizuoka Health Care Center, Central Japan Railway Company
Health Care Center, Central Japan Railway Company
Morimoto Yasuo
Department Of Chemical Engineering Osaka Prefecture University
Enta Kazuhiko
Shizuoka Health Care Center Central Japan Railway Company
Mizoue Tetsuya
Department Of Clinical Epidemiology Institute Of Industrial Ecological Science University Of Occupat
Sashihara Shunsuke
Health Care Center Central Japan Railway Company
Niijima Kuniyuki
Shizuoka Health Care Center Central Japan Railway Company
Kawashima Masatoshi
Dep. Of Occupational Health Graduate School Of Medical Sci. Kitasato Univ. School Of Medicine
Kawashima Masatoshi
Health Care Center Central Japan Railway Company
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