アナフィラキシーの薬理学的研究 (第3報) : Shock時心電図所見及びSchultz-Dale反応に及ぼす中枢神経系の関係
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Guinea pigs were sensitized with diphtherial toxoid and shocked. Not a difference in the symptoms and the findings of ECG was observed between the control and the guinea pig cut the upper quadigeminal bodies, but Schultz-Dale reaction was observed to be weakened. However, the shock symptoms, ECG findings and Schultz-Dale reaction were remarkbly weakened when the bottom of the quadrigeminal bodies were cut down. These findings were also observed under the ether anaesthesia, phenobalbital, or urethane anaesthesia. When the thoracic spinal were cut down, the convulsion in anaphylaxis was only observed at upper limbs, but the findings of ECG and Schultz-Dale reaction was as same as the control. These results suggest that the main cause of death in anaphylaxis may depends upon the antigen-antibody reaction at the convulsious and vascular center. So the main cause of the death in anaphylaxis may be the fall of blood-pressure, next is the myocardial obstruction and thirdly edema in lung.
- 社団法人日本アレルギー学会の論文
- 1960-06-01
磯野 千冬
戸木田 菊次
戸木田 菊次
志村 明
渡辺 英子
稻生 綏子
門脇 昭雄
野村 勇
坂本 吉盛
磯野 千冬
志村 明
門脇 昭雄
東邦大 薬理
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- アナフィラキシーの薬理学的研究 (第3報) : Shock時心電図所見及びSchultz-Dale反応に及ぼす中枢神経系の関係
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- 20 Anaphylactic shock の薬理学的研究(第9回日本アレルギー学会総会記録)
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- Exprimental Studies on Disposition and Carcinoma (V):Experiments with Donryu and Osawa rats on the effect of pretreatment with horse serum and NRES on resistance to Yoshida sarcoma
- Comparative studies on the ECG of whale, human, rabbit and tortoise
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- Chapter 3. Experiments on body reflexes by perfusion after laryngectomy (Tokita-Ohmoto's method)
- Pharmacological studies on penicillin shock:(III) Penicillin shock in guinea-pig
- タイトル無し
- Regulation mechanism of autonomic function on N. 1. cr. int. Chapter 2. On respiratory reflex
- Experimental Studies on Disposition and Carcinoma (VI):Experiments with SD rats on the effect of pretreatment with bores serum and NRES on resistance to Yoshida sarcoma
- Regulation mechanism of the autonomic nervous functions. (XXIV):Reflex function via N. laryngicus carnialis interna (N. l. cr. int.) 4
- Mechanism of autonomic nerve regulation (XIV):Comparative studies on the temperature change of enuironment and the body, especially on whale, human, rabbit, tortoise and frog
- Experimental studies on disposition and carcinoma (VIII):Pretreatment with cattle bone marrow to increase resistance to Yoshida sarcoma
- タイトル無し
- Experimental studies on disposition and carcinoma (VII):Cancer and hypophysis
- Regulation mechanism of the autonomic nervous functions. (XXI):Reflex function via N. laryngicus cranialis intern. (N. 1. cr. int.) 1. Reflex function in heart and vessel
- Pharmacological studies on penicillin shock:(IV) Mechanism and prevention in guinea-pig