アナフィラキシーの薬理学的研究 (第1報) : Anaphylactic shockの心電図学的検索
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In anaphylactic shock of the guinea pig sensitized with diphtherial toxoid bradycardia, arrhythmia, elevation of ST, inversion of T and complete block in elactrocardiograph (ECG) were observed and most of them were shocked to death. The pretreatment of Tropin, Tropin+Dibenamine, Procain amide, Hydergine, Ipsiron, adrenaline, Vitacampher, Neophylline, cutting vagus, artificial respiration or oxygen inhalation could not prevent guinea pigs from the death. Only chlorpromazine and prometazine showed the protective effect. Similar findings in ECG were observed both in the cases those bronchus closed and repleted with water. These findings could not be prevented by the pretreatment of any drug, even by chlorpromazine. These results suggest that the electrocardiographical finding in anaphylaxis may depends upon the result of antigen-antibody reaction in the heart muscle and the ECG changes in the latter may be due to the lack of oxygen in the heart muscle. Anyway the symptoms in both cases may not be the reflexive phenomenon.
- 社団法人日本アレルギー学会の論文
- 1960-06-01
- アナフィラキシーの薬理学的研究 (第3報) : Shock時心電図所見及びSchultz-Dale反応に及ぼす中枢神経系の関係
- アナフィラキシーの薬理学的研究 (第1報) : Anaphylactic shockの心電図学的検索
- アナフィラキシーの薬理学的研究-1〜3-
- Pharmacological studies on penicillin shock:(III) Penicillin shock in guinea-pig