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This article discusses the issues on human security in Northeast Asia by paying special attention the impact of gender policy on human security and the challenges of the ageing of society. I start the discussion by providing a brief overview on the diverse meaning of global standards. The global standards in this article refers to the directions, guidelines, standards or norms that are usually articulated as public opinions in international community. It is obvious that the United Nations has played the major role of producing the global standards. On the other hand, it is also pointed to that the global standards actually represent American standards when the globalization is interpreted as Americanization. Moreover, the UN-oriented global standards as attempt of coping with human security issues often face opposition from those fundamentalists who regard the global standards as threats to the cultural traditions. Fundamentalism tends to be given a limited link to religious fundamentalism. However, I attempt to analyze the social fundamentalism including radical patriarchy in a broader dimension since the dualism between globalization and traditions concerns not only religions but also social life in general. In this connection the sociological analysis on the concept of cosmopolitanism is relevant, as the cosmopolitanism shows how to make attention to human security more prevailed in the world by overcoming the social fundamentalism. The second part of this article studies the human security issues in Northeast Asia by comparing the empirical data related to human development and the impact of gender on human development. The cases of Japan and South Korea unveil the sharp drop of ranks in GEM (gender empowerment measure) in comparison with other industrialized societies. The incomplete gender empowerment is the urgent problem for Japan and South Korea. In Russia the decline of life expectancy since the early 1990s has obviously had negative influence over her HDI. In China the relatively high illiteracy rate of women is a problem for her HID, and Mongolian population are facing severe disadvantage from the insufficient social structure that is an essential threat to human security. In brief, it is hard to point out common features with these societies in Northeast Asia. Still, the diverse of human security issues can be addressed by focusing on Northeast Asia. Furthermore, the case of the Shimane Prefecture is discussed in relation to the human development issues in the ageing of society. The case of Shimane represents the aged society and the depopulation is the issues to be shared in those societies in Northeast Asia that are experiencing different phases of modernization in terms of urbanization and industrialization. The local experiences in Shimane will be global in that many other peripheral areas in Northeast Asia would share many of the experiences. In Shimane it is usual that one works regardless of gender, but that gender empowerment has not yet been achieved. Rather, social norms on gender division of labour have firmly been maintained. Local communities in rural areas tend to fail to associate the issues on social development of their own communities with more global settings and global standards. In other words, in addition to gender emancipation, socialization of care-giving work cannot be promoted too easily in Shimane. At the same time the depopulation is continuing in rural areas within the Shimane Prefecture, and the sustainability of Shimane itself is now questioned.
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