- 論文の詳細を見る
Since the speed measuring radiosystem can be used for limited visibility, it has been adopted widely by shipyards and many evaluation tests of the radiosystems are applied to our laboratory. The speed data obtained by the radiosystems are usually compared with those obtained by the "Mile Post Method" which may be influenced by human factors. Therefore, the photographic methods are developed for more objective evaluation tests. (1) The differences of speed data by the radiosystem and those obtained from photographs of mile posts and crystal clock were less than 0.1%, which is remarkably small compared with figures of 0.2%〜0.3% by the conventional "Mile Post Method". This suggests that the photographic speed measurements can be applied for general speed measurements when high accuracy is requested. (2) The differences of speed data by the radiosystem and those by the photographs of ship and the crystal clock were less than 0.2% for a ship of 127 meters long. This method is used for the evaluation of the system in a short range.
- 社団法人日本航海学会の論文
- 1970-12-30
- 制限水域の船舶航行実態 : 船の長さなどの要因の関数としての閉塞領域・限界領域(共通工学部,所外発表論文等概要)
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- 船舶交通管理システムの準定量的調査-そのII
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- 交通事故当量と衝突危険度 : 船の衝突回数・推定係数について(日本航海学会第45回講演会)
- 海上交通事故の調査(そのII)(日本航海学会第45回講演会)
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