明治期日本の土木事業を支えた技術者集団とその特徴 : 経歴と社会的地位からの分析
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The Meiji government started constructing a new country by hiring engineers from European countries. But soon trained Japanese engineers replaced them. This paper analyzes the characteristics and roles of these Japanese engineers in Meiji era, by looking at their social and educational backgrounds. At the beginning of Meiji era, a major group of the engineers were artisans and the people who received short term and practical training. They built railways and harbors and conducted waterworks by themselves. They gained a status equal to those of new graduates of college or university. But the workers and contractors of projects usually did not get a good public recogniton, though some of them had good civil engineering skills. After the middle of Meiji era,, graduates of colleges and universities took the managerial positions and became the supervisors of almost all civil engineering projects. This did not mean that the projects needed more higher level of technologies. The engineers who actually supported civil engineering projects were artisans and gishu or middle class engineering officers, who were mostly the graduates of short term training schools. Some graduates of foreign countries and constructors actually contributed to construction engineering, but did not receive fair recognition especially after a bureaucratic system was established. This was a major factor why Japan stayed far behind in the advancement of construction engineering.
- 日本科学史学会の論文
- 2005-12-12
- 中山秀太郎著・技術史教育学会編, 『日本の技術者-江戸・明治時代-』, 財団法人雇用問題研究会, 2004年8月, 206頁, ISBN4-87563-224-X, 1575円(税込)(紹介)
- 明治期における技術者 : 近代技術確立をめぐる職人と職人的技術者(科学史入門)
- 鈴木淳編, 『ある技術家の回想・明治草創期の日本機械工業界と小野正作』, 日本経済評論社, 2005年9月5日, xxvii+818頁, 5800円+税, ISBN:4-8188-1738-4
- 明治期日本の土木事業を支えた技術者集団とその特徴 : 経歴と社会的地位からの分析
- 鈴木淳編, 『史学会シンポジウム叢書 工部省とその時代』, 山川出版社, 2002年11月, x+260頁, 本体4000円+税, ISBN4-634-52240-3(紹介)
- 明治日本における初期電気技術者の分析