- 論文の詳細を見る
Friedrich Paschen (1865-1947) was one of the notable experimental physicists in Germany investigating the spectrum of hydrogen atom, especially spectral series, at the beginning of 20th century. As a part of research related to the spectroscopy, he was engaged with the heat radiation problems in the latter half of the 1890's. However his achievement of this area was not regarded as an important experimental work compared to his spectroscopic researches. This paper reconsiders Paschen's experimental research of radiation in late 1890's. In order to approach that topic, we mainly analyze the setup of radiation sources, the assembly of his bolometer and the range of wavelength of radiation and temperature of radiating bodies in his research. In this paper the features of his experiments are reevaluated in the context of development of radiation experiments during that time. It was certain that Paschen used the source of cavity radiation later than Lummer and Pringsheim and made confirmations of the radiation law in the narrower range of wavelength of radiation than other experimentalists in 1899-1900. However he did work out "numerous experimental confirmations" concerning the radiation law and did give any possible support for the establishment of Planck's radiation law until late 1900.
- 2005-06-24
- 実験科学者の歴史的評価をめぐる表と裏 : 天野清のパッシェン評を手がかりにして
- 1890年代後半における熱輻射実験の研究状況(1) : パッシェンの研究を中心にして
- 1890年代後半におけるパッシェンの熱輻射研究の再考
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- 1890年代後半における熱輻射実験の研究状況(2) : ルーベンスの研究を中心にして
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- 29pWQ-3 1890年代後半における輻射法則の検証実験状況(物理学史)(領域13)
- 24aRD-3 H.Rubensの熱輻射研究における特徴(物理学史,領域13,物理教育,物理学史,環境物理)
- 21aRH-1 H. Rubensの熱輻射実験(物理学史,領域13,物理教育,物理学史,環境物理)
- 28aWH-4 19世紀末におけるスペクトル研究から熱輻射研究への変遷過程(物理学史,28aWH 領域13,領域8,領域9,領域12 合同企画講演(環境技術・政策,物性,技術開発),領域13(物理教育,物理学史,環境物理))
- 20pXC-5 分光学者パッシェンの熱輻射研究(物理学史,領域13(物理教育,物理学史,環境物理))
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