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SUMMARY : Recently, clarification studies about range of practice for care managers have beenrequested, because care managers have worry about the range. In this paper, the three models of caremanagement-"Minimun model", "Coordination model", and "Inclusive model" - are used as an analyticalframework, and in accordance with the law the clarification of range of practice for care managers is tried. In the law, it is clarified that care managers should practise "Minimum model", but they need notpractise "'Coordination mode' and 'Inclusive model'" from the analysis result in this paper. A hypothesis can be made that it is a cause that range of practice for care managers is made indefiniteaccording to some differences between the function of care managemant in some textbooks and that of caremanagement in the law.
- 近畿医療福祉大学の論文
- 2005-06-15
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