The Ancrene Wisse,第四章,Temptation -'Uttre temptiun' : 説教の語り口,修辞法,構成法等に言及した試論(続篇)
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This present paper is written with the same purpose and method of research as those which are already shown in Journal of Kinki Welfare University vol.1 December 2000. The essay is divided into the early part, which includes 94 : 20-97 : 5, and the latter one, which does 97 : 6-99 : 18 of the text. The point that the author (or preacher) intends to preach says that everyone who lives in this world and suffers from the temptations from the man's eviles are luckey and happy because of the fact that they will be loved and receive divine protections by God. The author's manner of speech depends chiefly on the metaphorical or allegorical expression about which this paper aims to analize and clear within the scope of his language expressions.
- 2001-12-15
- The Ancrene Wisse,第四章,Temptation -'Uttre temptiun' : 説教の語り口,修辞法,構成法等に言及した試論(第4編)
- The Ancrene Wisse, 第4章, Temptation - 'Uttre temptation' : 説教の語り口, 修辞法, 構成法等に言及した試論
- The Ancrene Wisse,第四章,Temptation -'Uttre temptiun' : 説教の語り口,修辞法,構成法等に言及した試論(第5編)
- The Ancrene Wisse,第四章,Temptation -'Uttre temptiun' : 説教の語り口,修辞法,構成法等に言及した試論(第3編)
- The Ancrene Wisse,第四章,Temptation -'Uttre temptiun' : 説教の語り口,修辞法,構成法等に言及した試論(続篇)