The Ancrene Wisse,第四章,Temptation -'Uttre temptiun' : 説教の語り口,修辞法,構成法等に言及した試論(第5編)
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This present paper is designed to explain and make clear the preacher's implications of his so called'froure', frover, in his sermon of the rules of an anchoritic life for the three young anchoresses, especiallyreferring to hardships in an anchoritic life expressed as 'froure', frover or comfort. The author endeuoursto give an account as a comfort of severe self-disciplined and abstains from all forms of pleasure forreligious or spiritual reasons based on various dailylife experiences and knowledges as well as sentencesextracted from the classical well-known works and texts, chiefly from the Bible, Following the writer'spreceeding papers so far written on the similar theme, he intends to investigate and analige the author'sideas and intentions, mentioning religious austerities in such a world and so on, through my owncarefulreading of the text.
- 2004-06-15
- The Ancrene Wisse,第四章,Temptation -'Uttre temptiun' : 説教の語り口,修辞法,構成法等に言及した試論(第4編)
- The Ancrene Wisse, 第4章, Temptation - 'Uttre temptation' : 説教の語り口, 修辞法, 構成法等に言及した試論
- The Ancrene Wisse,第四章,Temptation -'Uttre temptiun' : 説教の語り口,修辞法,構成法等に言及した試論(第5編)
- The Ancrene Wisse,第四章,Temptation -'Uttre temptiun' : 説教の語り口,修辞法,構成法等に言及した試論(第3編)
- The Ancrene Wisse,第四章,Temptation -'Uttre temptiun' : 説教の語り口,修辞法,構成法等に言及した試論(続篇)