The Ancrene Wisse,第四章,Temptation -'Uttre temptiun' : 説教の語り口,修辞法,構成法等に言及した試論(第4編)
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The author, 'I' intends, in this paper, to analige and describe a preacher's way of his sermon with specialreference to his speech, rhetoric and composition in the fourth chapter of the Ancrene Wisse through myown reading of the text according to my hitherto scheme of research of the work. I have already written three papers on the same theme in the Journal of Kinki Welfare University. This present paper is, therefore, done as the same successive one of them as the preceeding ones. Its composition is roughly divided into two parts whose early one from pp.101 : 18 to 108 : 7 chieflydealing with the theme on the Deadly Seven Sins in detail, especially, referring more, firstly, to 'Pe liun ofprude', namely, 'The lion of pride' and lastly, to 'Pe scorpiun of leccherie', namely, 'The Scorpion of lewdand lust.' The latter one is written, firstly, from pp.108 : 8 to 112 : 24 on such sins, and their master andhow they serve to him in the fiend's court, and secondly from pp.112 : 25 to 114 : 2 on how a nun shouldendure and so much be 'hardened' that she could overcome all the pains before she can get to the happinessof the heavens. and lastly, on two divisins of the temptation one of which is named 'outer' one, and theother. 'inner.' Besides they are each dealed into two ; 'light' and 'dark' ones, the latter of which thepreacher gives more fuller accounts than the other for the reason that 'My foe waits me with treachey.'implying 'this temptation allures not fleshly but spiritually.
- 2003-12-15
- The Ancrene Wisse,第四章,Temptation -'Uttre temptiun' : 説教の語り口,修辞法,構成法等に言及した試論(第4編)
- The Ancrene Wisse, 第4章, Temptation - 'Uttre temptation' : 説教の語り口, 修辞法, 構成法等に言及した試論
- The Ancrene Wisse,第四章,Temptation -'Uttre temptiun' : 説教の語り口,修辞法,構成法等に言及した試論(第5編)
- The Ancrene Wisse,第四章,Temptation -'Uttre temptiun' : 説教の語り口,修辞法,構成法等に言及した試論(第3編)
- The Ancrene Wisse,第四章,Temptation -'Uttre temptiun' : 説教の語り口,修辞法,構成法等に言及した試論(続篇)