- 論文の詳細を見る
We have reported on the qualification of Sports Trainer of the Disabled : Intermediate Sports Trainer over the past four years. To obtain the Intermediate Sports Trainer qualification, applicants must "obtain lecture course credits" and "gain at least 120 hours (15 days) of instruction experience over three years prior to graduation." Busy students find it difficult to gain this instruction experience, and that instruction is particularly important. In the present study we evaluated instruction experience patterns that conceivably are easy to carry out and beneficial for those wishing to obtain the qualification, with the goal that our research could be utilized in future instruction for obtaining the qualification. (1) Students should select instructional experiences focusing on activities that are useful for sports trainers of the disabled (such as participation at schools for the physically and mentally disabled or practical experience such as caregiving, and supporting sports activities by the disabled). (2) Students should obtain more than 15 days of instruction experience. To that end, it is easiest to continue substantially the same activity. As regards timing, providing students with guidance and a great deal of information early on as first-year students allows them to gain instruction experience early by their second year. (3) Participation at schools for the physically and mentally disabled and gaining practical experience such as caregiving provides an opportunity for students to interact with disabled persons, and students can have many opportunities for instructional experiences by maintaining a continued relationship with the training facility. (4) The easiest pattern for gaining significant instruction experience is to participate in classes and events held periodically at sports facilities or institutions for disabled persons. By doing this it is easy for students to gain significant instruction experience as well as continue this experience over an extended period. (5) When attention is also given to nearby individual disabled persons, physical activity and play, for example, that is part of their daily life can be developed into a sporting activity for the disabled, and there is ample opportunity to gain significant experience from the fact that students are involved in the daily lives of the disabled persons. (6) Swimming-related sports are common and gave ample opportunity for instruction. (7) Although instruction activities do not always lead to employment, the introduction of a designated manager system will lead to cases where obtaining the qualification is required. A proactive approach to instruction activities may lead to future employment.
- 武庫川女子大学の論文
保井 俊英
永田 隆子
永田 隆子
永田 隆子
藤原 進一郎
藤原 進一郎
三上 真二
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