豪州クィーンズランド州の環境保全 : クイーンズランド大学における環境スクール2006
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The 4th ESUQ was held from August 21st to September 1st, 2006 at the University of Queensland, Australia. Thirteen students participated from Yokkaichi University with three students from Seigakuin University, Saitama prefecture. This school provided almost 30 lectures and three technical visits, through which the students became aware that Australia is beginning to pay attention to environmental conservation due to water shortage, acidic soil pollution to ocean and strong cyclones that damage northern Queensland rain forests.The students also became aware of the importance of the Cleaner Production because it saves energy and save resources making better economical condition not only socially but also in businesses.
- 2007-03-31
- 開発途上国支援のあり方 : 四日市大学・ICETT協同プログラム(CTI国内ワークショップ)の事例研究
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- 豪州クィーンズランド州の環境保全 : クイーンズランド大学における環境スクール2006
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