酒造業における経営近代化の嚆矢とその帰結 : 会津若松産地における会津酒造株式会社の事例
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Research into the modernization process of the brewing industry is necessary for the analysis of the local development of the before World War II, the Japanese brewing industry. The analysis of the modernization of the management form is an especially important subject. A sake industry as a Japanese traditional brewing industry has two characteristics of the traditional industry and the modern industry. It has modern structure and premodern structure at the same time. Therefore, the analysis which made the figure of the change in the form of enterprise of the sake industry an index is indispensable. Then, the structure of the sake production area and local characteristics are made clear. The purpose of this paper the existence of the local difference from the case of Aizu area. A result is as the following. The establishment of the incorporated company isn't necessarily modern. And, the modernization of the enterprise doesn't assure a free corporate activity. A modern sake industry piled up in the end of Showa, and became equal to the shochu industry. That cause is the delay of the modernization. In other words, the system of the postwar tax didn't make a productive activity free condition. This is big indication. It is because this structure was long and conservative business strategy and market strategy were made to go on. And, shochu industry grew in the age of the blank. However, as for these conditions, sake industry became the start of the internationalization. The above result is the case of Aizu area. This result shows an important point of view to analyze the structure of the Japanese sake industry area and that change. In other words, the formation process of the present place of production structure and a continuance form are historical necessary conditions. Then, as for the structure in side the place of production, the role of the leading enterprise is important. A brewing association is working as a group. Moreover, a comparatively free productive activity is possible, and a free corporate activity is particularly being done in the area of the shochu industry as for the place of production, which a discord between the enterprise classes is rare in. However, this structure is the conditions of location which assure the existence of the place of production traditionally. This paper shows that the above fact is the condition which is necessary for the continuation of the place of production.
- 酒造業における経営近代化の嚆矢とその帰結 : 会津若松産地における会津酒造株式会社の事例
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