数字譜から五線譜へ : 近代期沖縄の読譜指導の実態
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This paper is to make out what kind of musical notation was introduced into musical classes at elementary school in the modem Okinawa, and also make out how musical teacher in Okinawa did teach syouka-songs at that time. Through the Meiji era, the figure notation was mainly used at the syouka classes (over the 2nd grade of senior elementary school). After that, the staff notation was getting used at the class of syouka, especially in the first Shyouwa era. This paper also points out that every aspects of the education of syouka got changed in the end of Meiji era : the rules and regulations concerning education, how to teach syouka classes, what kinds of songs were taught for pupils at syouka classes, and some young Okinawan musical teachers, who had progressive idea, had been grown up. These young musical teacher thought that staff notation should be introduced into syouka classes as early grade as possible, especially for Okinawan pupils.
- 2007-03-31
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