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X-ray diffraction (XRD), small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), and small-angle Neutron scattering (SANS) measurements were made on asphaltenes and vacuum residua (denoted by the prefixes AS and VR, respectively) isolated from three different crude oils, Maya (MY), Khafji (KF), and Iranian Light (IL), to characterize the petroleum asphaltene aggregates present under various conditions. In the XRD experiments, the layer distances between aromatic sheets of asphaltenes were 3.6A and the number of aromatic sheets in a stacked cluster decreased from eight to five as the temperature increased from 30℃ to 300℃. The different crystallite parameters varied little between the three asphaltenes, although maltenes in the vacuum residua interacted with the asphaltenes and loosened their stacking by a small amount. In SAXS experiments, scattering patterns were obtained on the dry asphaltenes at room temperature in a flowing nitrogen atmosphere and the samples were then heated from 30℃ to 500℃. The fractal aggregates of AS-MY, AS-KF, and AS-IL broke down at 241, 179, and 243℃, respectively. SANS data measured at various temperatures from 25 to 350℃ showed various topological features different with asphaltene or solvent species. In all of the solvents, asphaltenes aggregate in the form of a prolate ellipsoid with a high aspect ratio at 25℃ and got smaller with increasing temperature. That became a compact sphere with the size of around 20A in radius at 350℃. A fractal aggregates was formed only with asphaltene of Maya in Decalin, and it remained even at 350℃. From these results, a hypothetical hierarchical model of asphaltene aggregation is proposed.
- 2007-10-20
- アスファルテンの分子量をどう測るか(アスファルテンの凝集)
- 44 溶剤の添加による重質油の凝集構造緩和(重質油(2),汚泥)
- アスファルテンの凝集構造解析(黒もの分析の進歩)
- 6.GPC、LD/MS、LC/MS分析で測定した重質炭化水素の平均分子量
- 1-20.アスファルテン-レジン相互作用による分子凝集緩和挙動の解析((5)前処理・重質油熱分解,Session 1 石炭・重質油等)
- 1-19.重質炭化水素のGPC/MSによる平均分子量((5)前処理・重質油熱分解,Session 1 石炭・重質油等)
- 1-18.石油アスファルテンの熱分解反応におけるコーク生成((5)前処理・重質油熱分解,Session 1 石炭・重質油等)
- 1-1.アスファルテンの構造パラメータ分布のGPCによる推定((1)重質油・石炭改質I,Session 1 石炭・重質油等)
- 1-6 減圧残油関連物質の有機溶媒中における溶液構造に関する研究(Session 1 石炭・重質油)
- 1-3.^C-NMRおよびDEPT法を用いた縮合芳香環系の構造解析(Session 1 石炭・重質油)
- ペトロリアム・サイエンスの進展 : 視点は留分から成分へ, 分子レベルの組成・反応解析技術
- 表面張力測定によるアスファルテンとマルテン成分の段階的会合挙動の観察
- 1-3.アスファルテン分子凝集構造における各種分子間相互作用の寄与の評価((1)重質油・石炭改質I,Session 1 石炭・重質油等)
- 重質油分解プロセスの分子反応モデリング(Session 1 石炭・重質油等)
- アスファルテンの凝集の大きさを見る(アスファルテンの凝集)
- アスファルテンの分子・凝集構造の解析に基づいた重質油の反応性制御
- 7-3 オイルサンド残油の水素化処理におけるコーク低減法(Session(7)21世紀の燃料製造技術を目指して)
- 重質油の分子反応モデリング(反応モデリング-石炭・重質油・バイオマス-)
- 分子反応モデリング
- 重質油の反応化学 : 構造・反応解析の工業的意義について