- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between coronary-prone (Type A) behavior pattern, which have been conducted for its concern with coronary heart disease, and perceived self-efficacy and attribution in stressful situation. At first, the Jenkins Activity Survey was administered to 310 male undergrduate students to select Type A and Type B group. After the pretreatment series, subjects of each group were engaged in 10 unsolvable task, and then 10 solvable task. Main results were as follow ; The Type A group decreased perceived self-efficacy in uncontrollable situation, and increased perceived self-efficacy and motivation more rapidly than the Type B group. The Type A group have more external attribution concerning their performance. Based on these results, Type A characteristic was discussed within framework of social learning theory.
- 上田女子短期大学の論文
- 1992-03-31
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