感じ方の色色 : 光の味覚,時間感覚におよぼす影響(<特集>光の色色)
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This paper explains how light influences the taste sense and the time sense for short intervals. Sweet and bitter tastes were indicted to have a low threshold and became more sensitive when illuminance was high, and the sweet sense was also shown to be more sensitive when color temperature was high. The amount of saliva was observed to increase when illuminance and color temperature were low. The time sense and P300 event-related potential were measured under the red-light and blue-light environments, and it was revealed that 180 is time interval produced under the red-right environment was shorter than that under the blue light. It was also demonstrated that the peak latency of P300 was shorter under the red-light.
- 社団法人照明学会の論文
- 2007-10-01
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