荒天向波中における船首船橋船の安全運航の判断基準に関する研究-II : 不規則向波中における船橋窓ガラスの破損回避
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The wheel house front glass of a Fore-Bridge-Ship was broken by the shipped water in rough sea. Furthermore, it caused the ship to be fallen into uncontrollable conditions for her handling. In the previous paper(3), we suggested that the height of the shipping water level at the fore end over the bow deck would be a useful criterion for navigator to avoid the breakage of the wheelhouse front glass. In addition, we proposed the probability density function of rising flow velocity at arbitrary height above the fore deck by applying the formula to estimate it, obtained from the model experiment used the regular waves(2). In this paper, we carried out the water tank experiment using a model ship and 3 kinds of irregular head waves, and then confirmed the above-proposed function by comparing the probability of occurrence of the rising flow velocity with the measured distributions. And also the probability of occurrence of the rising flow velocity was applied to make a criterion for a breakage avoidance of the wheelhouse front glass in irregular waves. The results are summarized as follows: (1) The probability of occurrence of the rising flow velocity suggested in the previous paper gave a good agreement with the experimental results. (2) As criteria for a breakage avoidance of the wheelhouse front glass, dangerous sea-states and encountering times against rough seas were extracted from eq. (1). (3) The critical probability of occurrence of the shipping water over the bow deck would be a useful criterion for navigator, because it can be recognized easily in real severe seas.
- 社団法人日本航海学会の論文
- 2001-09-25
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