- 論文の詳細を見る
This essay tries to discuss the modern significance of the theory "The Nature of Things" by the German legal philosopher Gustav Radbruch (1878-1949). It is based on a work that he wrote in a late stage of this life, "The Nature of Things as a Juridical Form of Thinking"`Die Natur der Sache als juristische Denkform (1948)'. In the past, I wrote a little essay titled "The Socialization of Law and the Nature of Things" (1976). Howver, 30 years have passed since then. The social background of law greatly changed, and I also learned much from the legal theory reseach of Prof. Dr. Zong Uk Tjong, Prof. Dr. Thomas Wurtenberger and others regarding this problem, so that I felt that it was necessary to make additions and complete my old essay. This is where this essay re-discusses the same topic in light of a new historical background. Chapter 2 of Radbruch's primary work "Rechtsphilosophie", 8 th Edition (1973) explains the so-called "nature of things" as follows. To be sure, it is just in the field of legal science that the claim is being maide, the right rule should be derived from "The Nature of Things." This claim many indeed be supported on certain grounds. The legal ideal is an ideal for the law and, more especially, for the law of a certain time, a certain people, and certain sociological and historical conditions. The idea applies to a certain material, is oriented toward that matierial, and thus it is turn party determined by the material which it is to govern. Just as the artistic idea accommodates itself to the material, differing according to whether it is to be embodied in bronze or in marble, so abjustment to the material is innate in any idea. We call this relation the "material qualification of the idia, " deliberately adopting the double meaning of the term : qualified by the matter because qualifying for the matter. The material qualification of the idea has been illustrated with regard to the legal idea by Eugen Huber inhis theory of the "realities of legislation" and also by Francois Geny in his theory of the given factors (donnes). Now nen is tempted to identify this material qualification of the idea with a preformation of the idea in the material. Indeed, it is psychologically possible to visualize the idea both in and out of the material. Thus, Michelangelo may have seen, vision-like, the figure of David in that rough-hewn marble block out of which he delivered it. The same applies where the jurist decides according to "The Nature of the Things." But thus to visualize the idea in the material which it is intended to form is a lucky case of intuition and not a method of cognition. For methodical knowledge it remains true that statements concerning the Ought can only be derived deductively from other statements concerning the Ought and cannot be based inductively on fact of existence.
- 札幌学院大学の論文
- 2006-12-25
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