良心の自由について : 杜鋼建著『新仁学……儒家思想与人権憲政』(二〇〇〇年)を読む
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This essay talks about the state of "the freedom of conscience judges are required to have" in China, a socialist state. There is no provision on freedom of conscience in the constitution of China. Whether prescribed by law or not, freedom of conscience can be considered an innate human right given to every person by God. In today's criminal justice system of China, there is a "system of correction by forced labor" called "laodong jiaoyang"「労働教養」 meaning "inculcation by labor". The system allows the police to deprive anyone of their personal liberty who has committed an anti-socialistic act in word or in deed, without going through any judicial proceedings and it constitutes an infringement of judicial power by executive power. Chinese judges are well aware of the fact that it is a violation of human rights but, bound by the so-called "four basic principles", including "the principle of being led by the Chinese Communist Party", which are stipulated in the preamble of the constitution, they are unable to demand abolition of the system. The fact of the matter is that the "four basic principles" actually infringe the independence of the judicature and deprive judges of their right to spiritual freedom. On the basis of the traditional Confucian philosophy of China developed by "Du Gangjian, New Benevolence Theory: Confucian Thought and Human Rights, 2000", in Chinese, 杜鋼建著≪新仁学,儒家思想与人権憲政≫(香港・京獅企画,二〇〇〇年) this essay contemplates the freedom of conscience that any judge is required to have.
- 札幌学院大学の論文
- 2005-11-30
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