中国における政治体制改革への道 : 杜鋼建教授の新仁学"政道"論
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Focus on the Consideration through the Experiences of the Constitutional Judgments in Japan to Consider the Future Course Relating to the System of Judicial Review in Taiwan include the issue of the System of Judicial Yuan's Judicial Review, was held in July 1999. According to the Conclusion adopted in the Conference, the long- term goal of the Judicial Yuan's reform is to let the System of Judicial Yuan's Judicial Review turn from the European System to the American System gradually. So Author think that the experiences of Japanese Judicial Review and it's practical issues will can be the reference for Taiwan. In the thesis, Author will consider the System of Judicial Yuan's Judicial Review in Taiwan form the viewpoint of Comparative Law to compare with the System of Judicial Review between Taiwan to Japan.
- 札幌学院大学の論文
- 2004-09-30
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