理系の大学生と文系の大学生の学校数学に対する意識の比較 : 同志社女子大学の学生を対象にして
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The purpose of this research is to investigate the difference in consciousness of school mathematics between scientific course students and non-scientific course students Many non-scientific course students responded that they disliked arithmetic, junior high school mathematics and high school mathematics, compared to scientific course students. Disliking the contents of school mathematics was selected as the cause of not getting good marks more often than disliking the learning environment. Many students who responded that they were able to get good results in high school mathematics selected effort as the cause of getting good results. Many students who responded that they were not able to get good results in high school mathematics selected the difficulty of problems and their lack of effort as the cause of not getting good results, given the choices of lack of ability, difficulty of problem, lack of effort, and lack of luck. It is important for high school math teachers to prepare appropriate materials and problems.
- 2007-03-31
- 算数科の問題解決型授業における少人数指導に関する実践的研究
- 理系の大学生と文系の大学生の学校数学に対する意識の比較 : 同志社女子大学の学生を対象にして
- 小学校教員免許取得志望学生の学校数学への意識に関する一考察
- K467 思考の固着とその克服について(口頭セッション77 論理・確率・思考)
- 小学校・中学校・高等学校における算数・数学の授業スタイルについての大学生の意識
- o2 思考の固着の克服について(o.【その他】,口頭発表の部)
- 小学校算数科における乗法の意味理解の指導について