被服圧が人体に及ぼす影響 : 特に血流速度を指標として
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Effects of pressure caused by wearing clothes on human body were investigated. The subjects were 2 women aged about 30 years old, whose blood velocity were examined using supersonic wave Doppler method by pressing their body. Blood velocity at 7 regions of epibiosis-related arteries varied with environmental temperature, which became significantly fast so that environmental temperature rose. In addition, the subject with a little body fat (BMI : 19.1) was easy to be affected by environmental temperature than the fatter subject (BMI : 22.3). We chose Rami malleolares mediales a. tibialis posterior as the measuring region where was hard to be affected by environmental temperature, the measuring time and so on, an ankle, a knee, a thigh, an groin were pressed at 2kpa degree using caph of 10cm width, the blood flow stopped. The blood velocity was reduced to half when the waist was pressed at 1.4kpa using by a belt (an inside belt of 2.5cm width). We conceived with our former study that skin temperature of dorsum manus decreased by pressing abdomen, it is considered that the decrease of blood flow volume in an epibiosis-related artery by pressing the abdomen caused the deterioration of skin temperature.
- 信州大学の論文
- 2007-03-15
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