教員人事システムの定着過程 : 県立学校と教育委員会の人事交流を題材に
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This paper clarifies the process in which the personnel exchanges between prefectural schools and boards of education are established, on the topic of Shimane Prefecture and Shizuoka Prefecture. In the former researches on teacher personnel affairs, only the relation between personnel exchange and promotion to the managerial position were pointed out. However, about the process until this relation is established as a career pattern, verification works were inadequate. By the investigation of this paper, the process that personnel exchanges were related with promotions to the managerial position of schools became clear. It was discovered that personnel exchanges were established as one of the personnel management systems of teachers by using two strategies. One is the strategy of promoting the teachers who experienced personnel exchange earlier than inexperienced teachers. Another is the strategy of promoting the teachers who experienced personnel exchange more mostly than the teachers who has not experienced. Although the latter was adopted only with the time whose number of schools increases, since the former is employable over a long period of time, its influence is more strong.
- 2005-03-10
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