[日本農薬]学会賞受賞論文 殺虫剤のリガンド作動性イオンチャネルに対する作用機構研究
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Ligand-gated ion channels (LGICs) mediate fast synaptic neurotransmission and are important targets for insecticides. Thus, the actions of several insecticides have been explored in electrophysiological studies on recombinant and native insect neuronal LGICs. I have shown that non-competitive antagonists of γ-aminobutyric acid gated Cl^- channels also act on glutamate-gated Cl^- channels, albeit at higher concentrations. Neonicotinoids are more potent agonists on recombinant hybrid nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) consisting of Drosophila Dα2 and vertebrate β2 subunits than those consisting of only vertebrate nAChR subunits (α4β2). Using this hybrid nAChR, clothianidin and related compounds containing a acyclic guanidine moiety were found to be super-agonists. Similar super-agonist actions of neonicotinoids were also observed on cultured Drosophila cholinergic neurons. Single channel nAChR recordings show that a clothianidin analogue induces a high conductance state in channel opening more frequently than acetylcholine, thereby offering a possible explanation for its super-agonist action. Unlike the case for clothianidin, imidacloprid attenuates the acetylcholine-induced response of native neuronal nAChRs when co-applied with ACh. These new discoveries add to our understanding of both the selectivity and the diverse actions of insecticides targeting LGICs.
- 日本農薬学会の論文
- 2007-08-20
伊原 誠
Riken Spring-8 Center
伊原 誠
Ihara Makoto
RIKEN SPring-8 Center
Ihara Makoto
School Of Agriculture Kinki University:(present Office)riken Harima Institute Spring-8 Center
Ihara Makoto
Graduate School Of Agriculture Kinki Uni.
Ihara Makoto
Department Of Applied Biological Chemistry School Of Agriculture Kinki University
伊原 誠
School of Agriculture, Kinki University
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