自己受容とnegative感情の対処 : ロールシャッハ法からの接近
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The purpose of this study is to determine how individuals' extent of self-acceptance affects their ability to cope with negative affects. A questionnaire was given to fourth-year undergraduate and second-year graduate students (N=172) to assess the relationship between self-acceptance and the ability to cope with negative affects. Subjects were divided into high and low self-acceptance groups. The Rorschach method, using Nagoya University's “Affective Symbolism” , was employed to analyze unconscious aspects of the personalities in each group. While quantitative analysis showed that the groups share some characteristics, sequence analysis suggested clearly that they are different: Cases in the high self-acceptance group were not overwhelmed by internal or external strong stimulations, nor lost their control of themselves. They were able to weather emotional crisis by controlling their emotions. These findings suggest that self-acceptance helps individuals to maintain internal stability, and influences self control abilities.
- 九州大学の論文
- 2001-03-31
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