青年期女子の女性性受容 : 質問紙法とロールシャッハ法による検討
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The purpose of this study was to grasp how modern adolescent females accept femininity. Subjects were 175 female students of junior college, nursing school, and university. First, subjects responded to a questionnaire about their acceptance of femininity. By examining the combination of four aspects of femininity acceptance, respondents were divided into three groups: "high acceptance," "low negative acceptance," and "low acceptance." Second, the Rorschach method was employed to investigate qualitative characteristics of each group. The results were as follows: 1)In the high acceptance group, respondents mostly had a generally consistent positive image toward femininity and, when compared to the other groups, accepted stereotyped gender roles. 2) In the low negative acceptance group, respondents tended to have ambivalent feelings toward femininity and an unstable self image, but this conflict was also considered a necessary process of identity establishment. 3) In the low acceptance group, respondents tended to have a high degree of intelligence. Many of them displayed some anxiety in interpersonal relationships and negative feeling toward their fathers.
- 九州大学の論文
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- 青年期女子の女性性受容 : 質問紙法とロールシャッハ法による検討
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