考古学的カテゴリーの特性 : 描画法を用いた検討
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This article examined the nature of archaeological category that enables experienced archaeologists to conduct excellent performances, such as quick and exact categoriation of excavated objects. Thirty people participated as Ss, they were classified to 5 experience level groups with a questionnaire. Then 27 Ss were asked to draw a full scale picrure of the prototype of Itazuke-I type pottery, which is a very popular pottery style among Japanese archaeologists. Each drawing (n=25) was analyzed with attribute analysis, quantification method of the 3rd type, and principal component analysis. As a result, (a) 2 kinds of attributes group were extracted from the drawings of higher experienced Ss; the one is “low visibility” group, the other is “nonverbal” group, (b) the drawings of higher experienced Ss were very similar in each other, and they were similar to a real pottery. These results show experienced archaeologists really have special knowledge representation and share it in the group.
- 九州大学の論文
- 2002-03-31
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