ベルリン圏の都市化と近郊ゲマインデの自治 : 19世紀末〜20世紀初頭期テルトゥ郡の実態に即して
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The aim of this article is to investigate the urbanization of the Berlin region and the self government of the 'suburban country villages' (Vorortgemeinde) in the Prussian district of Teltow (Kreis Teltow) at the end of the nineteenth century. The first part gives an outline of suburban traffic networks with reference to two railway lines, the Berlin-Anhalt and the Berlin-Dresden, which crossed the Teltow district from north to south. This part also contains a survey of 'commuters' (Pendler) in the Berlin area.The second part surveys the remarkable progress of self government in the 'suburban country villages', since the urbanization of Berlin was accompanied by the development of self government in the towns and villages around it. This involves an analysis of the primary materials in the Potsdam Archive (Brandenburgisches Landeshauptarchiv Potsdam). The article ends with some critical suggestions with regard to Japanese research into Prussian history.
- 社会経済史学会の論文
- 2002-05-25
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