- 論文の詳細を見る
The eruption of Mount Fugen in 1794 resulted in the formation of a group of islands in the Ariake Sea. Mukaijima Island and its surrounding coastal area were reclaimed in 1871, and a new man-made area was developed. Minatoshinchi in Shimabara City is one of the port towns in the area. Residents of Minatosinchi searched for a spring outside the area due to lack of fresh water supply.The residents of Minatoshinchi raised capital and built a water plant in 1881. Later, they laid water pipes from the water plant to Minatoshinchi to supply water to each house. The length of the pipes is about 600 meters. The water in Minatoshinchi is one of the oldest community based water systems in Japan, and it is still in use today. This paper will discuss the changes of the water system in Minatoshinchi.
- 2007-03-15
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