看護師と就労女子における喫煙行動の比較検討 : 心理社会的認知行動の要因が喫煙行動に与える影響を探る
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Background: The Japanese Nursing Association has recognized nurses' smoking problems which the study was conducted in nationwide in 2001. The researchers were surprised at findings of the higher smoking rate, 24. 5 % in women and 54. 5 % in men as compared to the average of Japanese women's smoking rate, 13. 7 % and men's rate 53. 5 %. Objectives: This study analyzed why nurses' smoking rate has been continuously high despite that they had certain knowledge about the relationship between smoking and diseases. Some questions raised that smoking behaviors might be affected by some psycho-social factors. The objectives are to identify characteristics of the nurses'smoking behaviors by comparison between a nurse group and a working woman group. Method: Participants who agreed with an informed consent were selected; the 1107 nurses at the age of 20 to 54 years old and the 904 working women at the age of 15 to 64 years old living in T prefecture. The study is conducted by a researcher, Tsuchiya, who developed three factors as core-categories. The factors are related to 1 ) self-reliance including self-esteem, 2 ) self-mastery with self-knowledge, and 3 ) coping behaviors with the sub-categories respectively. Result: Nurses'smoking rate was 250 (22. 7%) of 1107 and working women's smoking rate was 85 (9. 5 %) of 609. Among them, young working women had extremely high smoking rate when the following three conditions were considered; a part-time job, low educated status, and low economic situation. We found that nurses' smoking high rate was increased by the factors of their young generation and un-married status as compared with that of v/orking women's. Nurses' smoking group had the lower self-reliance and self-esteem factor as compared with that of all working women and a non-smoking nurse group. In the three core-categories, smoking nurses got the lowest scores on self-reliance and self-esteem. Reliability of measure component was confirmed by using the Cronbach a coefficient (>0. 7). Conclusion: The result was highly consisted with the research objectives by focusing on psychosocio behavioral factors and as well as with Bandura's self-efficacy theory. Nurses' smoking rate was affected not only due to nursing profession itself, but also to a large number of young people with un-married status. We recognized that the highest health risk population on smoking problems was a young women group who had a part-time job without an annual health check. We strongly recommend that smokers to need to be taken psychological care individually by a specialist for quit smoking strategies.
- 高知大学の論文
- 2002-12-31
渡邉 亮一
土屋 紀子
高知医大 医 看護学科
土屋 紀子
渡邉 亮一
日本大学 医学部
土屋 紀子
高知医科大学 医学部 看護学科
高橋 春江
内田 純枝
海野 英恵
横田 明美
宮原 郁子
渡邉 亮一
自治医科大学 看護学部
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