- 論文の詳細を見る
Biotelemetry is a powerful technique that provides continuous and simultaneous monitoring of fish behavior in their natural environment. The interaction between fish and fishing gear was monitored by biotelemetry. This paper presented three examples of applying biotelemetry to fish behavior around fishing gear. First, three set receivers were installed on leader net of a set net in Lake Biwa, and largemouth bass implanted with a coded ultrasonic transmitter were released near the set net. After northeasterly winds, southwestward currents, and declines of the ambient water temperature, the fish was away from the set net. Catch efficiency using passive fishing gear is affected by environmental factors. Next, a receiver was installed on an anchor line of a Payao in the Philippines. Three yellowfin tunas and two rainbow runners were implanted with the transmitter and released near the Payao. Almost of the fish remained around the Payao for over 60 hours. One of the aggregative keys of the FADs might be the emergence of prey. Third, when a diamond squid was captured by a jig with a data logger in the Sea of Japan, accelerations and depths were recorded in the logger. The results suggested that the jig lured the squid by moving vertically, vibrating, and changing its posture. Biotelemetry, in collaboration with fishing gear telemetry, is helpful to make clear the capture process of the gear.
- 2006-11-15
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